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Sunday, October 31, 2010

SLP New York Kicks Off!

With two 2 SLP alums (Kanchan Koya and Ajay Kulkarni) and SLP NYC's mentor (Somak Chattopadhyay of Greenhill Ventures) leading the way, the 2010 - 2011 SLP NYC fellows gathered at the offices of Cooley LLP to kick of SLP NYC's inaugural program.   After a delicious dinner (thanks to Cooley!), Kanchan introduced us to the founding principles of SLP and expectations for the year.  Our mentor Somak also graciously shared his entrepreneurial and VC journey, highlighting key learnings along the way.  Then, it came time for each of the us fellows to present our 3 minute introductions using picture-only slides that we prepared earlier.   Laughter soon filled the room as we bonded over hilarious past experiences and common interests.  Finally, Kanchan and Ajay spoke about of their own experiences in SLP and how the program impacted them, encouraging us to fully leverage the power of the SLP network.

The room was energized and the enthusiasm palpable. The festivities and sharing continued at a bar after class for which no one had to be coaxed to stay on! An absolutely brilliant and high energy beginning to what promises to be a fantastic year ahead for the NYC chapter.

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