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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Do you want an SLP in your city next year ?

If you would like a Startup Leadership Program in your city next year, please email us at anupendra AT We're currently targeting major cities around the world where there is a mix of successful entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activity. There may or may not be a preponderance of investors in your city, but there has to be a critical mass of activity. Certain cities that come to our mind are India (Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai), China (Shanghai), USA (DC, Chicago, Philadelphia, Seattle, Los Angeles, Austin, Boulder) and Europe (London, Munich, Paris) but we're open to other ideas.



1 comment:

Chelnis said...

I would like to submit Toronto, Canada as another option for a new SLP chapter.

25% of the residents of the entire country of Canada live within commuting distance of Toronto. That's 8.5 million people. Regarding its corporate density, Toronto is the home to the most corporate headquarters of any Canadian city, including all five major Canadian banks and the 8th biggest stock exchange in the world. In other words, there are innumerable sources for funding.

An additional component of Torontonian culture that should be of particular interest to SLP is that ONE HALF of all non-native Toronto inhabitants were born abroad. Toronto is truly an international city attracting new ideas and young minds from across the globe.