I have spoken to a number of you about developing new ventures through ideation sessions with other TLP members. I received very positive responses to this idea. Each individual should come to the first meeting with their 3 favorite and original business concepts. These concepts can be completely undeveloped.
I do not want to put any constructs around the ideas as I want the groups to have the ability to create something truly novel and not simply run an experiment. From the cumulative list of ideas (developed by an individual or the group), the group will collectively decide upon 1 idea to pursue and begin building a business plan around that idea. I am very excited about the initiative as we will split into groups of 3-4 individuals that will be developing our own ideas into new, exciting, and fundable business concepts. I would just like to reinforce that we are not simply running through the exercise of developing new businesses, but actually developing viable businesses.
We plan on having our first meeting this Sunday at 5pm at FHF's offices (address listed below) for our first session. Please email ptreacy AT firsthelpfinancial.com if you have not responded and do have interest in joining the group.
Parker Treacy
First Help Financial LLC
1220 South Street
Needham, MA 02492
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